Will Joe Biden Be Replaced?

On June 27th, 2024, America saw what most Republicans have known for 4 years. America saw what the Democratic Party, mainstream media, and institutions have been trying to keep from us. They saw that Joe Biden, the nominal President of the United States, is not with us.
President Biden’s debate performance was so shocking that it was difficult to believe it as it was happening. The bar for Biden was below sea level, but he still was unable to clear it. At one point, at the end of an incoherent Biden sentence, President Trump said, “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.”
In an even more embarrassing moment, Biden completely lost his train of thought when talking about the national debt, falling silent, before claiming that we “finally beat Medicare.” People who were not hoodwinked by the media knew that Biden has long been slipping. But even most people aware of Biden’s decline were surprised by how awful he was in the debate.
That brings us to the question, will Joe Biden be replaced as the Democratic nominee? The good news for Democrats is that this debate happened so early that the party conventions haven’t even happened yet.
That means that someone else could be nominated. In fact, requesting the debate so early may have been done so that the Democrats had time to replace Biden if he had a debate performance like the one he had in Atlanta.
But Biden did win the Democratic quasi primaries last fall and this spring. So the delegates are legally bound to him. Biden will be the Democratic nominee unless he decides to step aside. Biden has been steadfast that he will be the 2024 nominee and serve a second term if he wins.
It should also be noted that if Biden did step down, Democrats would be admitting defeat. They would be admitting that they had someone as the nominee so mentally not there that he had to step aside. It would be an admission that Biden has not been running the country. He has merely been a mask for the Democratic Party committee members who are actually running the country.
In a sane country, this admission, that the person who supposedly is running the country is not, and is so declining mentally that he cannot stand for another election, would be enough for the Democrats to be obliterated in the election. But with the rise of media and institutional power pushing leftist axioms, many Americans will not punish the Democrats for this.
Joe Biden has long needed others to carry him across the finish line. But for 90 minutes, no amount of shielding, lying or gaslighting from the Democratic Party, mainstream media, and institutions of America, could prevent us from seeing that Joe Biden is not fit to be President. Never mind the extreme cultural far leftism from the Democratic Party under the helm of Joe Biden, and the attempt to make any strongly conservative viewpoints illegitimate.
But the problem for the Democratic Party is that there is a dearth of good alternatives to Biden. In a scenario where the sitting President doesn’t seek a second term, the nomination usually goes to the Vice President. But the Vice President now is Kamala Harris, who does worse against former President Trump than President Biden does.
Could he nomination go to snake oil salesman California Governor Gavin Newsom? Or moderate talking but leftist acting Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer? Possible, but the Democratic Party is obsessed with identity politics, and passing over a black woman, no matter how incompetent, might be too much for the party to bear.
But on the other hand, Democrats are very good at doing what they need to do to win. Something the Republican Party must learn. If the Democrats calculate the Biden cannot beat Trump, they will find a way to dump him for someone who can, or who at least has a better chance.
Will Joe Biden be replaced? Let’s see how the next few weeks and months go. If Biden drops in the polls like a stone and shows no signs of life (literally, not just politically), the Democrats will replace him. If the media and institutions are successful in gaslighting the American public into getting Biden back in the race, then the Democrats will stick with him.
Buckle up folks, the next 4 months in America, and consequently, the world, are going to be as unpredictable as they come.