Nobody wants Kamala Harris to lose more than Gavin Newsom

Following Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump that ultimately cost him the nomination, nobody came to his defense more than California Governor Gavin Newsom. He was in the spin room, he was out on the campaign trail, he was doing all he could to have him stay in the race.
Newsom knew that whether Biden won or lost, the Democratic nomination in 4 years was his for the taking. If Biden won a second term in 2024, he’s termed out. If Biden lost in 2024, a new nominee was coming in 2028. Either way, Newsom would be one of, if not the favorite.
Gavin Sleights Kamala
Since her nomination, Newsom has no doubt thrown a few jabs at Kamala Harris. During his appearance on Pod Save America at the DNC, he sarcastically and seemingly begrudgingly commented on the lack of open primary that the Democrats had following Joe Biden stepping out of the race, “We went through a very open process, a very inclusive process, it was bottom-up … that’s what I’ve been told to say.”
He was also the most notable Democrat politician to not give a speech at the 2024 DNC.
Of course, Newsom would deny he wants Kamala to lose if asked. You have to support your party’s nominee. But politicians routinely say things that don’t represent what they feel, or their future plans.
Newsom is in a tough spot
If Gavin Newsom wants to become President, and we are pretty sure he does, it is much more beneficial for his political career that Kamala Harris lose. If Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee after receiving a grand total of 0 primary votes, wins, she is the incumbent in 2028, and obviously is their nominee.
Gavin Newsom is young enough to run in 2032. But 2032 is 8 years from now. That is an eternity in politics. Newsom’s term as Governor of California ends in January 2027. He will have been out of the political spotlight for too long by the time 2032 roles around. His time will have passed.
But if Kamala loses in 2024, 2028 opens up for Newsom. More than that, it provides Newsom a foil. It also gives an energy boost to the Democratic Party, and even though Trump will not be running in 2028, the hatred they will feel towards him will drive energy and enthusiasm.
Should Trump win a second term in 2024, Newsom would make a show of sniping at Trump for the next 4 years. Mr Trump would hardly notice Newsom, but the California Governor would gain many plaudits from the left wing, functioning as a therapist for an easily traumatized base, and as an outlet for their anger.
That alone would make the Democratic base think of Newsom as “a strong, articulate leader, not afraid of taking it to Trump and the Republicans.” In reality, Newsom has presided over a state that people are fleeing in the millions, mostly to Republican controlled states like Florida.
As ridiculous and disturbing a prospect of Newsom becoming President is, should Kamala Harris lose in 2024, a path to this reality could open up. And don’t let logic make you think that the American people have too much common sense to elect Gavin Newsom President.
This is a country that elected Joe Biden President in 2020, when he barely had a functioning brain, supported the anti-American BLM riots, and went along with the Democratic Party’s far left shift on every major cultural issue.
This is a country that could still elect Kamala Harris, even after 4 years of possibly the worst administration since World War 1, which she served in. Even after more than 4 years of left wing gaslighting and suppression of opposing views, about half of (and possibly more) Americans are happy to go along with this continuing.
The difference between Gavin Newsom one day getting to the pinnacle of politics, and being in the political wilderness in 4 years time, likely is the result of an election he isn’t even in. And a result in which he has to actively root against.
For Gavin Newsom to win in the future, Kamala Harris needs to lose now.