Elections 2024

An Incredible Week For Trump. A Terrible Week For Biden

Former President Donald Trump is ascendent. Current President Joe Biden is in decline. In a week that saw an attempted assassination on Donald Trump and continuing terrible polls for Democrats, the two men seem to be going in opposite directions.

In fact, Joe Biden likely will not be the Democratic nominee within a week. Even before the assassination attempt and Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Donald Trump was ahead of Biden. But the debate, and Trump’s heroic reaction to almost being shot has turbocharged these trends.

As the days have gone by, Trump has looked an almost indestructible figure. Biden has looked increasingly weak. More and more Democrats have called for Biden to leave the race. Donald Trump has also been more measured in his campaigning and what he advocates for.

He has pivoted to the center on abortion. He has seized on Biden’s horrific border policy. And he has pointed out that the inflation of the Biden administration is destroying the lives of tens of millions of Americans. The mood at the 2024 Republican National Convention is one of jubilation. The Democrats are in disarray.

It seems that each passing day this week has seen Trump rise further and Biden sink lower. Will Trump be able to grab the moment? Will he be able to run a smart, responsible campaign and return to the White House? If there are even a couple more weeks like this last one, he definitely will.