Elections 2024

Chekhov’s Gun: Joe Biden Will Not Be The Democratic Nominee

Chekhov’s gun is the principle that every element in a story must be necessary and irrelevant elements will be removed. Take the example of a gun being mentioned at the beginning of a story, one can assume that if it is mentioned, then at some point in the story it will be fired. This principle is applied in politics all the time, and this time the President of the United States is staring right down the barrel of it.

Politics are very scripted and theatrical, with imagery being at the forefront of political rallies and speeches. Use Donald Trump’s introduction into the modern world of politics as an example. Looking back on it, you almost should’ve assumed that Donald Trump riding down a golden escalator and promptly knocking out candidates one by one by simply slapping a funny nickname on them was going to lead to him to the biggest political upset in American history. It was just too good to not be true.

Now Joe Biden is facing a similar situation, it’s just not Following his disastrous performance, Joe Biden is facing calls for him to step down from all sides of the political landscape, and they’re only going to get worse.