
Alex Soros goes off on ‘Convicted Felon Trump’ as his group bails out rioters and murderers

Alex Soros, the son of known left wing donor George Soros, has attacked former President Donald Trump, calling him a “convicted felon.” The hypocrisy is so staggering.

Soros’ description of Trump comes amid his dark money group, The Open Society Foundation funding the campaigns of various soft-on-crime District Attorney’s and activist groups. The juxtaposition is one in relation to the rule of law. Describing Trump as a felon, while supporting people actively undermining the rule of law.

But maybe for people who hate Trump, it is not hard to understand. After all, Alex Soros has said that Democrats should refer to Trump as a convicted felon any chance they get. The all encompassing hatred for Trump means that standards and consistency are usually a casualty of the bloodlust to bring the former President down.

If you understand the hatred that some have for Trump, it might be easier to understand why they act the way they do. They view Trump as an existential threat. And that “existential threat” seems to have a good chance of, if not the edge in, winning the 2024 election.

They know they need to do something to keep Trump from winning. And so, people like Alex Soros are going the route of advocating for Trump to be branded a felon. Will it work? Only time, and the judgement of the American people, will tell.