
Gavin Newsom: NOT READY FOR PRIMETIME as DeSantis walks all over him in Debate.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom debated on national TV on Fox News, moderated by Sean Hannity. It was an eventful debate, and let’s just say it lived up to they hype. So who won it? The answer is clear.

If this debate revealed on thing, it’s that Gavin Newsom is not ready for the national stage. His first mistake was made in his opening statement by aligning himself with the Biden/Harris administration who are wildly unpopular among the American public. DeSantis landed many good blows early on, even mentioning how Newsom’s own father in law fled to Florida from California. Newsom also got a good hit on DeSantis mentioning that neither of them will be the 2024 nominee.

On The Issues

DeSantis clearly had the upper hand and was aided by favorable statistics on crime rates, school closures, unemployment, covid, and others. Because of this, Newsom was already at a disadvantage. Newsom did try and spin it, by mentioning things like how the city of Jacksonville had worse crime stats than San Francisco. It did fall short as DeSantis was able to push back by simply mentioning to viewers that all they had to was just look at the own govt released stats from agencies such as the CDC, housing and urban developments, and FBI.

Newsom did get the upper hand on the abortion issue, as Gavin Newsom’s 6 week abortion ban has become widely unpopular across the country and become a referendum issue for voters. He also did land a good blow on DeSantis related to the Parkland Shooting.


That was the story of the whole night was that Florida is simply doing better than California, and it was very difficult for Newsom to defend his record. Newsom even seemed angry at times, weirdly hammering DeSantis for mispronouncing Kamala Harris’ name. It was clear he had no idea what he was walking into, and was ill prepared. On the other hand, DeSantis was very prepared and even brought a picture of Genderqueer, a state that is still in classrooms in California, but is banned in Florida. On the topic of homelessness, and cleaning up the city solely for Chinese President Xi Jinping, he brought a figure of a map of poop in San Francisco, Newsom nervously laughed.

This night was horrible for Newsom, and almost made you question if he actually is a better choice than Joe Biden, who is someone with far better name recognition. DeSantis was the clear winner, even the Democrat correspondent on Fox acknowledged such.

Is it too late for DeSantis to catch Trump? We’ll have to wait and see, but regardless Republicans should be happy with their options and who the candidates will be going into 2028. Nikki Haley was probably also a loser on the night, but the biggest were Newsom, Biden and Harris. If Newsom is the second best Democrats have to offer, it’s going to be a rough time for them.