
The International Criminal Court Sides With Terrorists Over Civilization

The International Criminal Court is siding with terrorists over a civilized democracy that is fighting forces that seek to eliminate it from the map. The court’s arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a slap in the face of decency and humanity.

This is not complicated. On October 7, 2023, Hamas slaughtered over 1200 Israelis, and took hundreds more as hostages. They then preceded to hide amongst the Palestinian civilian population to guarantee that the only way for Hamas terrorists to die was for Palestinian civilians to die as well.

It should be noted that many Palestinian “civilians” participated in the slaughter and kidnapping of Israelis, and that the vast majority of them support Hamas, and celebrated the terrorist attack, just as they celebrated 9/11.

The Palestinian people are not innocent, but even if they were, the actions of Hamas made it so that the criticisms of Israel’s actions lead to the conclusion that if a terrorist group embeds itself amongst the civilian population, the nation or entity that was attacked has to let them survive.

These facts are not in dispute. The only thing that the pro-Hamas/Palestine side can do, is try to muddy the waters by pointing to (often misleading or outright false) instances of Israeli mistakes.

Of course, even in the rare instances that these arguments have any kernel of truth to them, such Israeli “transgressions” go no farther than the “transgressions” of the Allies against the Nazis and German civilians during World War 2.

This anti-Israel legal push is coming as the Israelis are steadily destroying not only Hamas, but Hezbollah. It is difficult at this point to believe that the people are are campaigning against Israel don’t at least tacitly support the terror groups that have vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

International organizations being stacked against the Israelis is nothing new. In 1975, the United Nations passed a resolution that claimed that Zionism is a form of racial discrimination.

This of course happened in the wake of the Munich Olympic massacre of Jewish Israeli athletes by Islamist terrorists only 3 years prior. The UN and ICC have long ago thrown away any semblance of credibility that they have on anything related to Israel, so it’s not entirely surprising to see this from the ICC, as despicable as it is.

Israel must and will ignore this ruling, and will continue until the terrorist threats that have vowed to wipe out all Jews are sufficiently degraded. Hopefully the US will sanction the ICC for this. Because it is beyond clear that the International Criminal Court has sided with terrorism and barbarism over democracy and civilization.