Democrat Senate candidates sound alarm on Kamala Harris as internal polls spell trouble
Wisconsin Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin and Michigan Senate candidate Elissa Slotkin have both seen signs of cratering support for Kamala Harris in their respective states, according to recent internal polls by their campaigns.
The WSJ reported on Monday that Tammy Baldwin’s most recent internal poll has Harris down 3 points in the crucial battleground state of Wisconsin. While that same poll is rumored to have Baldwin up to two points on Republican Eric Hovde, Cook Political has officially shifted that race from “Lean D” to “Toss Up”.
In Michigan, it’s a similar story. Elissa Slotkin warned donors a couple weeks ago that Kamala Harris is down in her campaigns internals. “We have her underwater in our polling.”
From the looks of it, the Harris Campaign is seeing these troubling numbers too. For the first time since she became the nominee, Kamala Harris has been appearing on various different media platforms in an effort to gin up support for her candidacy.
While many have accused Harris of ducking the media, this week alone she appeared on Call Her Daddy, 60 Minutes, The View, Howard Stern, and Stephen Colbert.
While the effect of this media blitz is still unclear, Kamala Harris has reached millions of more people through these appearances.
Is this a last ditch effort to turn things around, or a sign of a confident campaign? Only time will tell.