
Netanyahu’s Visit Will Divide Democrats

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu will be visiting the US later this week. While he should be arriving to complete and total support as his nation fights Islamic fascist terrorists, he will unfortunately be facing a huge amount of opposition from the Democratic Party.

As the Democratic Party increasingly radicalizes and caters to anti American, anti Western extremists, they have been forced into trying to draw a moral equivalency between a nation that is fighting for its existence, and a genocidal terrorist group.

Think this is inaccurate? Democrats are putting Netanyahu and Hamas on a level playing field, both supposedly being the problem. Never mind that the majority of Israelis support his actions against Hamas, regardless of whether they agree with his domestic policies, or if they think he is to blame for October 7th happening.

As a party of increasingly less morals and decency, the Democrats do not know how they are supposed to react to Israel. Should they go along with the entire history of America, and with common sense and decency, and support Israel? or should they cater to the new extreme left, anti-semitic, quasi Islamist wing of the party that hates Western Civilization, and try to vilify Israel?

To decent people, the answer is obvious. But the Democratic Party unfortunately is not decent. They are catering to a people who want to prevent Israel from finishing off terror group Hamas, as Hamas is being slowly dismantled. There are already protests against Netanyahu occurring. Sadly, this has amplified voices in the Democratic Party against Israel.

But the leadership of the Democratic Party is not entirely against Israel. They have long supported Israel, and that is not going to completely evaporate. There are still Democrats who stand with Israel against genocidal terrorists. Hence, this issue is a source of division. Thankfully the Republican Party entirely stands with Israel.

Just over 3 months before the election, how much will Netanyahu’s presence open up divisions in the Democratic Party that can be exploited? Foreign issues usually don’t tip American elections, but this issue could at least cause a few headaches in the Democratic Party.