“There Is No Easy Way From The Earth To The Stars”
There is no easy way from the Earth to the stars. What does this quote from Seneca mean? I believe that it means that there is no easy path to great success. If you want to achieve great things in your life, you have to put in the hard work. And you have to be able to withstand adversity.
The quote “no great thing worth doing is ever easy” is in the same spirit as this quote. If you want an easy path and an easy life, don’t expect to achieve great things. Only if you push yourself can you reach your full potential. Achieving something great by its very nature requires getting through challenges. Otherwise everyone would do it, and it wouldn’t be great.
This quote should also remind you against complacency. That you get out of life what you put in. You must always strive to improve yourself and learn. It can also come as a welcome reminder when facing adversity. You can’t achieve great things, or learn, without experiencing pain or difficulty.
I know that these statements can sound cliche and soapy. And they shouldn’t be taken to mean that if you just work hard everything will turn out alright for you. That’s not how life works. There’s no guarantee of success and happiness even if you do work hard.
But what is true is that we all must get through adversity. And if you are hitting roadblocks when striving for your goal? Don’t feel discouraged. It is normal and part of life.
You want to achieve your dreams? Or even just your full potential? There is no short cut. There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.