“The Greatest Wealth Is To Live Content With Little”
The greatest wealth is to live content with little. This quote from Plato should be remembered by all people in all walks of life. If you require a lot of things to make you happy, the chances are that you will often be unhappy. If you do not require a lot to make you happy, if you are contented by the simple things in life, you will likely live a life of happiness.
This seems like an obvious claim. Almost a platitude. But it really isn’t. We usually don’t notice when we are tricked into thinking we need something to be happy. How does this happen? Usually through comparing to others. This person has a new car, or these new clothes, or goes to this exotic location.
These things are not ipso facto bad. But we usually are not predisposed into needing something until we see other people having it. Life becomes less about enjoying the finite amount of time you have in this world, and more a checklist of things you must have to feel fulfilled or worthy.
And thus, we see that contentment has more to do with your outlook than what you have. Your state of mind, not the things you have, is what determines the quality of your life in most instances. Being content with little allows you the possibility of happiness in almost any situation.
The goal in life is to have meaningful relationships, do good for others, and be happy, is it not? If you focus on that rather than material you need, or things you need to spend money on, you are closer to getting to the things that matter. That is why other people can’t hurt us without our permission. If we decide we don’t need to compare ourselves to others, then how their life seems will not affect how we live ours.
Of course, some level of ambition, some level of wanting more for yourself, is good. We cannot be complacent. We must always be striving for better. But we can do that without needing an endless amount of things to be happy with our lives. What does that look like? It looks like stopping and taking time to appreciate the things in life that truly mater; family, good friends, health etc.
The seemingly mundane things in life are usually what provide the foundation for a happy life. Don’t let those things fade into the background. Continue to strive to improve, but don’t find joy in the simple things in life. They are the most important to your happiness.