
The Good Samaritan In The Illinois Stabbing Spree Is Speaking Out

The Good Samaritan in the Illinois stabbing spree is speaking out. Keith Fahreny was driving home from his trigonometry class at Rock Valley College Wednesday afternoon when he saw a commotion outside his neighbor’s home. “She kind of turned towards me, and her face was just bright red with blood,” Fahreny told ABC News.

Fahreny didn’t know it at the time, but he had happened upon a brutal stabbing spree in his neighborhood. The stabbing spree left 4 people dead and many injured. Fahreny said he stopped and got out of his Jeep to see how he could help, when a man standing over the woman bolted and got into the Jeep.

“I opened up the door, grabbed him by the shirt and threw him down on the ground right and then he kinda like went after me,” Fahreny said. “I kinda tried to defend myself, and the next thing I know I felt these taps on his side of my head, like, you know, like he was trying to punch me.”

At that time, a Winnebago County sheriff’s deputy vehicle arrived. “When he saw the cops he just took off,” Fahreny said. A deputy chased the assailant on foot and arrested him after a brief struggle. In 20 minutes, four people were killed and seven injured in the rampage, authorities said.

The victims included a mother and son who were stabbed to death at their home, a postal worker who died after being stabbed and run over by a truck driven by the attacker, and a 15-year-old girl who was beaten to death with an aluminum softball bat in her home.

“The cops were telling me, ‘Thank you, thank you for getting this guy,’ and I’m like, ‘I didn’t do nothing, I just, you know, I was just there to try to help,'” Fahreny said. “I had no idea what was going on.” The suspect, 22-year-old Christian Soto, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder.