Elections 2024

NEW POLL: Biden Trails Trump On Nearly Every Issue

A new NBC poll shows President Biden trailing former President Trump on a wide range of issues, just 9 months before the General Election. This is the latest in a long string of polls showing Biden losing popularity.

In the poll consisting of 1,000 registered voters, Biden trails Trump nationally by 5 points. Biden won the popular vote by 4.5% in 2020, a current 9.5% swing towards Trump.

Biden also trails Trump by 35 points on border security, 22 on the Economy, 21 dealing with crime and violence. In a question about being competent and effective, Trump leads by 16 points. These issues are likely to be at the forefront of the 2024 campaign, with border security being at the forefront of current issues affecting President Biden.

Biden does lead on the topic of abortion by 12 points, and protecting democracy by only two points. These two issues have been widely seen as the reason why Democrats overperformed in the midterms. The Biden Campaign has signaled that they will once again make these two issues the center of their strategy in 2024, with Vice President, Kamala Harris currently trekking the country in defense of abortion rights. Biden has also given multiple speeches where he has characterized Donald Trump as a threat to Democracy.