“Character Is Revealed Through Action”

Character is revealed through action. This seems like an obvious enough quote from Aristotle. But what does it mean? It means that for all the good talking about your values, and it does good, actually following through is what is important. At some point, words without actions become meaningless.
There was even a hit song in the early 1990s that described this. As did the quote that “it’s not who you are underneath, but what you do that defines you,” in Batman Begins. Words and thoughts are important, but we live in a world of action. At some point, not following through on your words through actions illustrates that you are not serious about what you claim to be.
If someone says they will do something, but never does it, it becomes clear that they are just regurgitating words. Going through the difficult exercise of doing what you say you will shows commitment to it. More importantly, your actions are what has the most impact on other people, not your thoughts.
If you say you will be a kinder person to others, but are not, the actual lived experience of people will be negative. It won’t matter if you had or planned good intentions. While it is true that you can decide whether another person’s actions bring you down, your actions towards each other is the reality of how you present yourself to other people.
Obviously, there are exceptions in certain circumstances. Great writers can impact people through their words, even if their actions do not conform to what they write. Words can change minds and hearts, and can motivate populations to do good or bad.
But in the vast majority of cases, your actions are what define you. Character is revealed through action. It is not revealed by what you intend to do, but by what you actually do. Consequently, we should all strive to channel our best impulses and plans into action.