
4th Republican Primary Debate: How Did Each Candidate Do?

The fourth GOP debate was a fiery affair, particularly when Vivek Ramaswamy clashed with Nikki Haley and Chris Christie on foreign policy. Time is running out on the candidates to make a move to catch up with former President Donald Trump. How did they do?

The Grades:

Ron DeSantis: A-: Solid all around, and was able to stay out of the heated debate between Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley and Chris Christie. Made clear, concise points on education, immigration, cultural issues, and foreign policy. Was able to take a middle path between Ramaswamy and Haley/Christie on foreign policy, which, with how the GOP electorate is looking, seems a good path to take.

Vivek Ramawamy: B: Definitely made his points of view understood, especially on foreign policy. He practically called Chris Christie and Nikki Haley war criminals. He tried to “catch” them on not knowing the specific names of the Ukrainian provinces, but that isn’t really a big gotcha. While he provided a voice for those in the GOP who want less US military involvement in the world, he came across as someone who conflates mistakes while engaging with the world with examples of why the US should completely pull back. Held up a sign saying Nikki is corrupt. Memorable quotes include: “January 6th riot looks like an inside job,” “the Great Replacement Theory is not a right wing conspiracy theory” and his best quote “transgenderism is a mental health disorder.” Made great points about how the left’s identity politics is anti American.

Nikki Haley: B+: Was extremely composed and concise. Was able to let Chris Christie be the attack dog against Vivek Ramaswamy, and made great points on how supporting Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan are all connected to fighting back against the anti American evil axis that is forming. The question still remains though, if the GOP electorate is past supporting an interventionist America. Didn’t have any response to when Vivek brought up her cringe inducing use of identity politics.

Chris Christie: C: Has the ability to be a good politician and candidate, but seems to be more interested in being a wrecking ball; against Trump and Ramaswamy, than being a serious candidate in his own right. While some of his points against Ramaswamy landed, he seemed a bit unhinged. Also seems like Christie is more interested in pleased CNN and other liberal news networks he appears on, by focusing more criticism on Trump/Ramaswamy/MAGA, than Biden and the Democrats. Was shocking in saying he would not try to stop the transing of kids.