
Why Javier Milei Will Make A Great Ally Of The United States

On Sunday, November 19, 2023, political outsider Javier Milei was elected President of Argentina. While many in the mainstream media have slandered him as an unstable supposedly “far right” figure, the reality is Milei might be the most sane person in Argentine politics. More importantly, Javier Milei will make a great ally of the United States.

After decades of leftist rule, which has led to a 40.1% poverty rate in Argentina, as well as a 143% inflation rate, Argentines finally said no to leftism when they elected Javier Milei, who promises to dramatically reform Argentina’s economy.

This is great news for the people of Argentina. But from an American perspective, Milei’s election is extremely helpful to the US geopolitically. Milei is handing President Biden an easy foreign policy win by committing to a strong relationship with America and wants to use the US Dollar as Argentina’s national currency.

Milei also wants to keep Argentina out of BRICS, a group that is trying to compete with the US-led G7. He has pledged that he won’t deal with communists, including the Chinese and Venezuelan regimes. All of these things will move Argentina, the second biggest player in South America, firmly into the American camp.

Argentina has long been suspect of aligning with the United States in geopolitical affairs. Some of that has to do with the US’ history of domination of the Americas. It also has to do with alliances (taking Britain’s side in the Falklands War). But much of it has to do with Argentina historically being controlled by leftists. Leftists are inherently anti American.

Javier Milei’s election represents the ascendancy of a decisively pro American voice in the region. In the midst of China’s continued efforts to expand their influence, at the expense of the United States, around the world, especially in South America, Javier Milei is giving the US an incredible opportunity that we cannot pass up.

Yes, obviously a reason why Biden has been reluctant to embrace Milei is because his far left base has a pavlovian hatred of anyone who unapologetically questions the leftist establishment. We understand that for political reasons Biden cannot fully embrace Milei.

But besides the performative distancing from Milei, Biden should privately make efforts to court Milei and make him a friend of the United States. The hysterical misrepresenting of what Milei is must be ignored. He only seems “radical” to the left wing establishment because they themselves have moved so far to the left, that any call for normalcy or opposition to the left wing march seems radical.

In an unstable world, where many things are challenging American leadership in the world, the Biden administration must do everything it can to consolidate new allies. Javier Milei will make a great ally of the United States. The Biden administration just needs to extend a hand, and he will be.