
If The GOP Were Smart, They Would POUR Money Into This Third Party Candidate

Biden is facing early trouble in his re-election campaign. The Real Clear Politics average has him tied with Donald Trump in a head to head matchup 44-44. Questions about his age keep popping up, a recent AP poll showed that three quarters of Americans believe Biden is too old to seek a second term, including almost 70% of Democrats.

Cornel West is the candidate that Republicans should give money to play spoiler. He is an extreme leftist, and would be horrendous for the country as President. But thankfully, he has no chance of actually winning. What he does have a chance of doing is taking just enough votes from the Democratic nominee to help a Republican win the 2024 general Election. According to RCP, The polls also show that in a three way race between Trump, Biden, and West, Donald Trump wins every single time.

In recent Presidential elections, the margins have been extremely slim. George W Bush won the 2000 election by winning the deciding state of Florida by 537 votes. Ohio was the deciding state in 2004 when Bush beat John Kerry. Donald Trump won the 2016 election by under 80,000 combined votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and Joe Biden beat Trump in 2020 by under 45,000 combined votes in Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin.

Elections in the 21st century have been won by quite slim margins. In relatively close elections, a national swing of 2-3% could change the outcome. In the aforementioned elections, a swing of less than 1% (besides in 2004) would have changed the outcome.

That is why Republicans should do everything they can to make sure Cornel West is on the ballot in the 2024 Presidential Election, especially in the swing states. West has no chance to win, but could take some of the more extreme leftist Democratic voters. Even if he only takes 1-2% of Democratic voters, that could be the difference in a crucial battleground state.

Cornel West is easily able to outflank Biden on the left on the Palestine Issue. And polls show, that Biden’s support for Israel is becoming a problem for the progressive wing of the party, who are unapologetic in their support for Palestine’s “resistance” against the Israelis. Just listen to the progressive voter below, she states, “a lot of people probably aren’t going to vote for him next year.” 2020 was already a close election, and rhetoric like this is exactly what Biden fears. Now you add in Cornel West, someone who is fully in support of Palestine, and it becomes a nightmare Biden probably won’t be able to wake up from.

Obviously the Democratic Party recognizes that a candidate like Cornel West on the ballot would hurt them. It’s why they have in many states sued to get the Green Party off the ballot. So if the GOP were serious about winning, they’d preemptively start strengthening West’s campaign now.

Joe Biden does not inspire confidence. Americans think he is too old to be President, and that he is not even all there mentally. He has pushed extreme left wing social policies, and presides over record high inflation. Americans have consistently expressed in polls that they feel worse about the economic state of the country than they did when Donald Trump was President.

But because the almost certain Republican nominee will be Donald Trump, who is incredibly polarizing, and under criminal charges, whether legitimate or not, the Republicans could still lose. But on the flip side, because of how poorly Biden has been doing, even Donald Trump has a chance to beat him.

Unless something changes, it looks like the 2024 Presidential Election will once again come down to slim margins in a few key swing states. If Republicans can pour enough money into West’s camping, there is a chance that he can get on the ballot in these swing states.

The left wing extremist in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix or Madison who votes for West instead of Biden could be the difference between a Republican and a Democrat in the White House on January 20, 2025. If Cornel West is on the ballot, there’s a much greater likelihood that a Republican enters the Oval Office on that date.