
GOP Debate: How Did Each Candidate Do?

The third GOP debate was lively, with the 5 candidates on stage each trying to make their case, and make an impression to give themselves a chance to compete in the polls with Donald Trump, who was absent from the debate once again.

The Grades

Tim Scott: B+: Was decently, a bit more lively and high energy. Didn’t really do anything wrong, but he just doesn’t seem like a candidate who can garner enough support to challenge Trump. To be fair, none of the other candidates seem like they can either, but the likes of DeSantis, Haley and Ramaswamy have more support. Good point on a 15 week national abortion limit, which he pointed out that 47 of 50 European countries have.

Vivek Ramaswamy: C+: Was his typical intelligent, wordsmith self, but had an absolutely shocking pro Russia take on the Russia Ukraine war. Sadly he seems to have been audience captured by the fringe of people who want to help Russia, under the guise of “stopping war.” Shouldn’t have mentioned Nikki Haley’s daughter using Tok Tok because even if he had a point, it comes across poorly to mention another candidate’s children. Was very good in articulating how we need to give younger people a shot at the American Dream and economic success in tandem with reviving national pride.

Chris Christie: B: Was solid, especially on foreign policy. But his smug anti Trump rhetoric, which seems to only be used to please the left wing, preclude him from getting the nomination. Made a very good point that rich people should not be collecting social security. To keep social security solvent, we need to raise the retirement age and have a cap on eligibility for social security if you are obscenely rich.

Nikki Haley: A-: While she provided the best lane for people who want the combination of social/cultural conservatism and backing the right players internationally; Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, she let Vivek Ramaswamy get under her skin. Made a great point about the problem of rising interest and and inflation. Also was very nuanced and intelligent on the abortion issue while correctly taking the pro life side. She at the moment is the best candidate on the issues, but it’s sadly hard to see her getting the Republican nomination.

Ron DeSantis: B+: The candidate who has the best chance to defeat Trump was solid, save for his lukewarm support for Ukraine. He seems to be trying to play halfway between the Haley wing of the party on foreign policy, which is strongly in favor of Ukraine, and the Ramaswamy wing, which is quasi pro Russia. While understandable from a tactical perspective, he needs to be taking the side of Nikki Haley on this issue. Was very good on saying that drug cartels should be designated as terrorist organizations.


Ultimately, it is unlikely that this debate moves the needle for the Republican nomination. Despite the numerous (legitimate and trumped up) legal challenges that Donald Trump faces, unless something drastically changes, or he is legally barred from running again, Donald Trump will be the 2024 Republican nominee. Despite this, the debate was an opportunity to see what different policy factions, as roughly represented by the candidates, believed on issues that there was not a broad consensus within the GOP.