

Reports indicate that hundreds of rockets have been fired from the Gaza strip into Israel. The Iron Dome has been seen intercepting many of these rockets. The barrage is ongoing.

IDF Tanks seemingly destroyed. Armed militants in an Israeli neighborhood, Something that has not been seen in a long time, this looks to be headed towards a full on war. Rockets are also being fired from the Gaza Strip targeting Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other major cities.

Multiple civilian casualties are also being reported.

The IDF has alerted residents to seek shelter and stay in their homes. The IDF has also vowed to defend itself and you would have to think the response from Bibi is going to be swift.

UPDATE: The Israeli defense Operation has begun, per the above statement the Israel Defense minister. Both sides have declared war on eachother

UPDATE: HAMAS Leader declares War on Israel. IDF vows to defend itself.

MAJOR UPDATE: There are reports of HAMAS infiltrators within the Israeli territory.

For the LATEST – See below for videos and tweets from live sources covering the conflict.