
It Is Critical For America That Japan And South Korea Make Amends

It is critical for America that Japan and South Korea make amends. Their enmity comes from Japanese atrocities against Koreans over the 20th century. And it is quite understandable that South Koreans seek greater acknowledgement of, and reparations for, what the Japanese put them through.

The topic of Japan-Korea relations is too complex to litigate in a single discussion. Yet, obviously, doing so is the only way to actually get the two countries closer to amicability. In the meantime, Japan and South Korea must reach a stopgap understanding that allows them to effectively work together on the international stage.

America can facilitate this stopgap. It can start a process of recognition and dialogue about the past, but in a way that doesn’t shame the Japanese. As a neutral party and friend of both countries, it can be seen as working towards a solution in good faith.

America needs help from its allies in the Pacific to effectively contain China. The US will always be the central player in the alliance, but cannot be expected to carry all of the weight. Japan and South Korea must be able to work together smoothly and with complete trust in each other.

I do not want to exaggerate the impact of Japan-South Korea enmity on their work with the US to contain China. Korean anger over Japanese use of comfort women would not lead the nation to block a Japanese action against a Chines invasion of Taiwan.

But working together effectively against a dangerous mutual enemy requires a level of closeness that Japan and South Korea do not have. An ally you genuinely like is much better than one you simply tolerate. You’d want to have genuine affection for a country who you might be going into battle alongside.

Korea’s understandable anger at Japan also gives them something common with China. Of course, Korea would never side with China over Japan because of this. At least, not in any geopolitical issue that also concerns the US. But it is an unwelcome rift between allies that should be bridged.

The reasons for South Korean anger against Japan are real and understandable. Accordingly, I am not suggesting that South Korea “get over it.” Japan must recognize the pain the caused Korea. And Japan and South Korea must make a plan of reconciliation.

That might entail difficult conversations. Conversations that could take years, even decades, to resolve. But the important thing is transparency and a plan of action. This can be done without either side “giving in.” Ironically, the longer it takes for a plan of reconciliation to happen, the more resentment it fosters. And that resentment makes a plan of reconciliation itself less likely.

Japan and South Korea have been and are fantastic allies of the United States. Their continued support is critical. And as China gets more aggressive, the two countries will be called on to shoulder more responsibilities. It is critical for America that Japan and South Korea make amends. But not just America. It is crucial for Taiwan as well, and consequently, the world.

Let’s hope that the plan of action I outlined can become a reality between South Korea and Japan some day soon. Japan must get over its pride and acknowledge the sins they committed. South Korea must not push to shame Japan too much. Gradual reconciliation between the two nations is achievable. For the good of the western alliance, let’s get on the road to it. Japan and South Korea, the ball is in your court.