
Jeremy’s Social? Why Daily Wire is Calling Out Twitter

The Daily Wire made news this morning by announcing that Twitter canceled a deal to stream the documentary “What is a Woman” on their platform. The documentary is seen as one of the catalysts for the transgender debate.

The reasoning behind this reversal was revealed to be over misgendering. Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing stated, “Specifically: In the film, a father refers to his 14-year-old daughter as ‘her,’ and a store owner uses the ‘wrong’ pronoun in a confrontation with a transgender woman.”

Elon Musk promised to bring back free speech to the twitter world. Conservatives are already viewing this decision as a slap in the face. It is yet to be revealed if this was a decision made by Elon himself, or new Twitter CEO, Linda Yaccarino.

The Daily Wire is known for creating brands that go against the “woke narrative”. They did this following Harry’s Razors pulling advertising on their platform and also Hershey’s chocolate for having a transgender woman (biological male) as their spokesperson on international woman’s day. Subsequently the Daily Wire created, Jeremy’s Razor’s and Jeremy’s Chocolate. Are we in line for Jeremy’s Social next? It will be a tall task, but stay tuned.