
Russians Livid That Ukraine Is Fighting Back Against Them!

Russia and their allies are livid that Ukraine is fighting back against their aggression. Ukraine launched a drone attack on Moscow, with all eight of their drones shot down, according to Russia. Russia and their bad faith allies are claiming that this is Ukraine “trying to start World War 3.”

Of course to any sane person, this assertion is preposterous. But with Russia and their sycophants, sanity has long stopped being an option. These are the same people that claim that the West started this war, despite Russia invading Ukraine at the start.

Russia’s defense ministry called Ukraine’s drone strike attempt “a terrorist attempt.” The fact that some people agree with Russia’s framing is disheartening and concerning. This war, initiated by Russia, has been going on since 2014, but escalated in February 2022, when Russia invaded eastern Ukraine.

The Kremlin has described this invasion as a “special military operation.” They have also claimed that they are “liberating oppressed Ukrainians.” One wonders what Russia’s response is to the fact that Ukrainians are coming together to fight them.

Russia’s Orwellian description of this war should be brought to light and shown to pro Russians everywhere. They must be forced to confront the logical absurdity of their arguments. Frankly, pro Russians should be shamed and ostracized from society.

Be wary of bad faith crypto Russia supporters. They often will try to equivocate on responsibility for this war, claiming “both sides are to blame.” When they are confronted with an argument that they cannot rebut, they will obfuscate and say they just want peace. This of course implying that the invaded nation Ukraine, and their allies, are equally responsible for the war.

Ukraine has problems. It has corruption. Western aid doesn’t always get to where it needs to go. But on the whole, Ukraine is completely in the right. Completely the innocent party. Ukraine is the nation who was invaded and which is fighting Russian aggression. Do not let the pointing out of problems within Ukraine obfuscate the fact that Russia is solely to blame for this war.

It is important to understand that a nation can have problems while still being in the right. This situation describes Ukraine. As long as we stay the course and continue to aid Ukraine, Russia will never succeed. Let’s make sure Russia fails.

One Comment

  1. Ukraine conducted a strike on residential buildings in Moscow city. No matter how you spin it, it is a terrorist act. There is no justification of the attack on innocent civilians. A clear example of War Crimes. Zelensky must be indicted by ICC.

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