Cultural Critiques

The Cultural Importance of The Fresh and Fit Podcast and Whatever Podcast

For far too many years the ideas of feminism have dominated the conversation when it comes to dating and how men and women interact in society. These ideas include how empowering it was for women to sleep around, for men to pretty much kowtow to women in order to have a chance with them, and the worst of all, that sticking to traditional gender roles has made women victims to the “patriarchy”. This has poisoned the youth and altered their perception of reality. Young Men and Women in this generation are unhappy, studies have shown this. But people have begun to wake up. And this is where the rise of the manosphere podcasts comes into play.

The face of the Fresh and Fit Podcast are two men, Walter Weeks nicknamed “Fresh” and Myron Gaines nicknamed “Fit”. As corny as it may sound, the name actually works. These are two words that all men should aspire to be, well dressed and in shape. The Whatever podcast is hosted by Bryan Atlas, with a calm demeanor but a very nuanced understanding on relevant issues. The guests both shows bring on tend to reflect the area that both podcasts are hosted. Fresh and Fit is hosted in Miami, while Whatever is hosted in Santa Barbara. Both shows have similar concepts, they bring on mostly young men and women to give their opinions on dating in today’s world. In order for the mostly female guests to come on, they DM the respective shows and in turn get their Instagram bios linked in the description for publicity purposes. The discussions get heated at times, but also can be quite pleasant and agreeable. Viewers can donate money with a comment and in turn have their comment read to the guests of the shows.

For the most part, the hosts are persuasive and consistent in their views. They do a good job of expressing quite historically common views to their guests. Views that were very normal until say 10 years ago. Some of these include men being the leaders of the household, being against abortion, religion being a good thing for society. Many of the female guests tend to be promiscuous and sometimes unrealistic in their dating standards. This fits the description for many modern women. They’ve obviously fallen into the trap that is feminism. While the hosts may come across as mean and sexist, they’re just giving the guests and the audience a good old fashioned reality check. While one can disagree with certain aspects of the show, when looking at the bigger picture, shows like these are helping to shift the Overton Window to something more reasonable.

Many of the guests that come on, when exposed to a different perspective have their minds changed. They even sometimes return to the show and are in committed relationships, stop doing OnlyFans, and become more open to religion. This is refreshing to see, and even more so because these views are broadcasted to millions of other young people that watch the shows. Young people in America have increasingly been exposed to the feminist point of view. The goal should always be to expose young people to BOTH points of views. At the very least, these shows will help society find a common medium, one we can be proud of, one that conserves our traditions while at the same time progressing our civilization.