
Dear Republicans, For The Good Of America, Move To D.C. – DOJ

The Democrats’ stronghold on the District of Columbia is felt far deeper than the White House, House of Representatives, or the Senate. The Democrats’ influence is felt within the government agencies, the non profits, the think tanks, and the lobbyists which are largely controlled by people on the left. Their influences are felt across every liberal city in America. There’s no single Republican Congressman, Senator, or President that can do anything about this.

With the now politically motivated indictment of former President Donald Trump a reality, the only way this changes is if large swaths of Republicans move to the area and start reimposing the pro America, pro Judeo-Christian values that this country has been known for throughout history.

Residents of Washington D.C. voted 92.1% Democrat in the 2020 election. That makes the Jury Pool 92.1% Democrat. D.C. Democrats aren’t like your run of the mill Democrats in Michigan. They’re highly partisan. It comes with the nature of living in the District. It’s impossible not to be. This gives the Democratic Party leeway to push their agenda, in sometimes illegal ways, without any repercussions. The Durham Report, which you can read in its entirety, showed that the Executive Branch, FBI, CIA, and the Clinton Campaign all colluded to frame President Donald Trump as a Russian Asset.

This of course beginning through the Clinton funded Steele Dossier. Obama, Biden, and the head of the FBI, James Comey, were briefed on the Clinton Campaigns plans to frame Trump by the head of the CIA John Brennan. They chose to let it happen. The Dossier was then used to illegally obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump in an investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane, which eventually led to the Mueller Investigation. Donald Trump was, of course, found to have not colluded with the Russians, because the whole investigation was based on a lie.

We’re going to say the quiet part out loud. The likelihood of a Democrat political operative being convicted of crimes in the District of Columbia is nearly zero. We saw this in the Durham Investigation. Only two indictments of former FBI informant Igor Danchenko and Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussman. Zero convictions. Only one guilty plea, of Kevin Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer who doctored an email about a surveillance warrant. On the other hand, there have been more than a thousand people charged in the January 6th riot and more than 400 convictions and plenty more to come.

They include a few grannies parading around the capitol rotunda taking pictures. Pamela Hamphill, 69, received prison time while fighting breast cancer for peacefully walking into the capitol building, while hundreds of FBI agents who were there on the day, did the same.

The lack of a justice system for federal officials allows the highly partisan and clearly weaponized DOJ to target a former President and raid his property, while looking the other way on President Joe Biden having classified documents in multiple different locations, dating back to his days as Vice President, when he had zero authority to declassify.

We can go on for days with examples, but one thing is clear. It is not funny what these people are doing, it’s demented. Republicans need to flood D.C., which will bring some evenness to the jury pools, consequently help bring back fair trials, and get rid of the political convictions currently taking place inside the courthouses. Only then might we begin to get more accountability and a fairer, less partisan, justice system.