
Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty To 34 Felony Counts

Former President Donald Trump was officially charged by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office on April 4, 2023. A stone-faced Mr. Trump pleaded not guilty to the charges during an hourlong court appearance Tuesday in New York. He had flown to New York from Florida the previous day. Trump was fingerprinted before the arraignment.

The arraignment marked the first time a former President had been charged or booked with a crime. Many have pointed out the political nature of these charges. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg had previously “promised” to prosecute Trump. Bragg is also known for demoting felonies to misdemeanors. In this case, he seems to be doing the reverse.

These proceedings are set to play out while Donald Trump is on the campaign trail. He will likely point to this as more evidence that he is a political target of the American left. It will be hard for any sane person to deny this. Sadly, but not surprisingly, most on the political left support this. This is despite their pearl clutching at the “lock her up” chant for Hillary Clinton. And Hillary Clinton deleted over 30 thousand classified emails.

Trump is unlikely to face jail time even if convicted. The charges are Class E felonies, the lowest level. They carry a maximum 4 year jail sentence, but first time offenders usually receive much lesser punishments. “I never thought anything like this could happen in America,” Donald Trump said after the arraignment.

This persecution…sorry, prosecution, of Donald Trump, threatens to tear America apart at the seems. The American left has already long pushed fanatical policies and used American institutions to pretend that their pushes were normal. Now we have a criminal charge for the main political opposition to the left. It is a testament to the conservative character that the American right has stayed calm for so long.

What does the future hold? No one knows. But what we do know is that America is in uncharted waters. America may be more divided than it ever has been, although the two sides are not equally to blame. What would be considered center left positions in 2010 are now in 2023 considered right wing position. This is evident especially on racial and LGBT related topics. And the media has grown ever more biased in favor of the left.

Will this case be a powder keg in America? Will we see equal justice under the law? We will see in the coming weeks and months.