
Russia’s Barbaric Disregard For Their Soldiers’ Lives

Russia has obviously had a horrendous year since they invaded Ukraine. They expected Kiev to capitulate in a matter of weeks and to install a puppet. Instead, Ukraine showed their ability to fight off Russia, and now, over a year later, Russia has only been able to capture small portions of eastern Ukraine. And they have done so at an almost unfathomable cost. Many reports say that in a year, Russia has had more soldiers killed than the US had in a decade in Vietnam. But that won’t deter Russia.

Russia has long used their soldiers as cannon fodder, capitalizing on their vast numbers to gain their objective. It’s what the Soviet Union did against Germany in World War 2. In many battles, Soviet troops had fellow soldiers behind them, ready to shoot them if they retreated. They would trade unfathomable losses for small gains in territory. We are seeing no different today, especially with the use of the barbaric mercenary Wagner Group.

The Wagner Group has employed thousands of Russian criminals in their ranks, with the promise of their sentences being expunged if the soldiers survive 6 months. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, Wagner tactics make their chances of surviving much lower than they should be. The Wagner Group employs similar tactics as the aforementioned Soviet Union; shooting any soldier who stops or retreats. Thus, endless waves of Russians rush forward at Ukrainian defenders.

No matter how much better trained and equipped the Ukrainians are, they eventually become over run. Even if they obtain a 7 to 1 kill ratio, the massive numerical advantage of the Russians allows the Russian military to advance. The disregard the Wagner Group has for their soldiers’ lives is difficult to fathom in the modern age. This has been particularly acute in Bakhmut, a city where fighting has gone on for 6 months.

Thankfully, while Bakhmut likely will eventually fall, the Wagner Group is running out of men they can simply throw into the meat grinder. Word about the staggering losses for members of the Wagner Group is finally getting back, which is causing a drop in volunteers. And even with these tactics, Russia’s push has stalled. They still control less than a fifth of Ukraine after over a year. Ukraine might start a spring offensive soon, and the US led West has been steadfast in their support.

The ultimate outcome of the war is still up in the air. But the barbarity the Russians, specifically Wagner Group has shown is a reason why the US must support Ukraine as long as it takes. Russian barbarity cannot be successful. And fellow authoritarian nation China must be put on notice. They must be shown that flagrant aggression like Russia’s will not be tolerated and will not succeed. All of the West must work together, and the US must lead the way.